Allah-SWT is the sole Authority to determine the permissible and the forbidden. He-SWT may forbid anything He-SWT feels like, in demonstration of His-SWT Magnificence. But He-SWT declared only those things unlawful for the believers, which are harmful physically and or spiritually. In case of preceding nations even the permissible were forbidden as a punishment for their misconduct. There are conditions under which lawful and good things are temporarily declared as forbidden for the Muslims, but not as a punishment. For example, fasting, during which eating and the rightful fulfillment of other biological drives is forbidden, but it is only from dawn to sunset and for the specific month of Ramadhan, not forever. Now there are many enlightening aspects of fasting. It is a mode of expressing Allah-SWT's Glory, that He-SWT is the true Ruler and we are His-SWT servants who will obey whatever is ordered. And it is a source of His-SWT Mercy and Forgiveness and a spiritual training to attain excellence. There are unlimited blessings listed in the Quran and Hadith, and certainly there will be many which are beyond our comprehension. The same applies to the prohibition of hunting while in Ihram for pilgrimage. Arabia primarily is a desert with plenty of animals of prey. The Companions-RAU were very fond of hunting. Allah-SWT prohibited hunting within the limits of Haram for all times and in Ihram until it is taken off.
It is important to remember that those blessed with stations of Allah-SWT's Nearness come across plenty of opportunities to err, as a trial from Allah-SWT . If they abstain they attain greater progress, and if they get involved in sin, it is possible that they may repent, but generally in such a situation the capacity to repent is seldom granted. Allah-SWT asserts that in order to test you, the animals of prey shall roam around you freely within the limits of Haram and while you are in Ihram. Allah-SWT wants to see who obeys Him-SWT and restrains himself from hunting, and who does not. It will also outwardly measure up the people as the animals will roam within the reach of their hands and spears! But it must be remembered that whoever transgresses beyond the limits of Allah-SWT shall meet a painful doom. Whereas the journey to Haram, clad in Ihram whether for Hajj or for ‘Umrah, is an effort to avoid such doom, merely putting up a certain appearance will not be of any help. result will depend on the actions. So the orders are not to hunt while in Ihram whether the animal is a wild beast or permissible. However, if a person is attacked by a beast, or a rabid dog posing a threat or a snake or a scorpion, these must be killed in the light of exemption given by the Holy Prophet-SW . One must neither hunt himself nor advise or help others to do so. However, if someone offers you to eat from what he has hunted, you may take it.
The hunting of wild animals within Haram is prohibited while the slaughtering of domesticated animals, like chicken, cow or buffalo, lamb, camel, goat, etc. is permissible. However, if someone deliberately hunts a wild animal while in Ihram, he will have to expiate in relevance to the animal hunted. The expiation will be determined by two local natives who are fair, pious and capable of understanding and analyzing the matter and have knowledge of the prevalent market value of cattle etc. They will fix the expiation, whether a lamb, a goat, or ten goats or a camel etc. According to Jurists, the expiation may even be determined by one person provided he is noble and shrewd. This is why the Mushai’kh do not appoint their deputies merely on the basis of piety but wisdom and sagacity are also a prerequisite.
If the animal is not hunted intentionally but is killed by mistake, for instance, during practice an arrow is shot or a bullet is fired and it hits an animal, killing it; it is to be expiated in the same manner as mentioned above. The animal in expiation for this mistake shall be taken to Haram and slaughtered therein. Or else the poor must be fed to the extent of its approximate value, failing which the atoner must fast for an estimated number of days. Feeding the poor and fasting are, however, not confined to the limits of the Haram.
The Philosophy of Punishment
This is the punishment for his misdeed so that he may realize his mistake and feel sorry for it. In Islam the punishment is not to inflict pain on the culprit, but to make him realize the repugnance of his crime and to serve as a deterrence for the future. Yes! Bygones are bygones, for Allah-SWT shall not punish them for what is done in the past, rather He-SWT has forgiven them. If someone indulges in transgression over and over again, lie shall have to expiate accordingly but he should not be heedless of Allah-SWT's Wrath. His-SWT Grip is the strongest. It is quite possible that to curb continuous evil Allah-SWT Himself-SWT may decide to avenge. He-SWT is certainly the Most Overpowering and the Strongest when it comes to vengeance.
Yet it is permissible even when in Ihram to hunt and eat animals living in water. This is a special gift for the travellers going to Haram by sea in order to avert shortage in food supplies. Hunting on land in Ihram is not allowed as alternative arrangements for food are there. Once Ihram is taken off it is allowed to hunt outside the limits of Haram. Majority of the Companions-RAU were fond of hunting and they often did so. In fact it used to be in the knowledge of the Holy Prophet-SW
and he would tell them to keep his-SW
share too. Moreover it is important to maintain a very cordial relationship with Allah-SWT and fear its discontinuation, as He-SWT is above all needs while mankind is dependent upon Him-SWT . Isn't it strange that the dependant acts arrogantly, while the Independent ignores it? It must be remembered that everyone shall, one day, return to Him-SWT .
Allah-SWT has declared K'abah as a House of veneration and magnificence and a source for the survival of mankind. This survival has been linked to the magnificence and the honour of K'abah. If its esteem is lost neither mankind nor this world will sustain. According to Hadith, a Jew with crooked legs will conquer Makkah, demolish the K'abah and discontinue its pilgrimage and this event will be followed by Yaum-al-Qiyamah. The Jews are actively working on this for the last few years. On one occasion, the dynamite sent for the purpose of sabotage was seized. In one instance they used the Rafdhi of Iran for this purpose, who took out a procession (during Hajj 1987) to create unrest and to turn Hajj, one of the highest form of worship, into a political drama. When no Muslim from around the world got attracted besides this Jewish sponsored sect, they planned to capture the K'abah but miserably failed. May Allah-SWT always disrupt their plans!
The K'abah is a centre of Divine Lights. The honour enjoyed by the Makkans or the Quraish is because of this House. Besides, it is easy for them to attain and earn livelihood due to the pilgrims. Not only of the Makkans or the Quraish, but the survival of the entire mankind all over the globe depends on the existence of K'abah. Had it been necessary to know exactly how, Allah-SWT would have certainly revealed it.
Now what is the relationship between the magnet and the iron? Though it cannot be witnessed, yet iron is attracted towards the magnet. Similar is the bond between the sustenance of the world and K'abah. Same is the bond between the Aulia holding Divine Offices and the events of the world. The Sufis agree that the workshop of life is divided in four departments, each assigned to one of the four personages known as Qutb. They are under the command of a Ghous. There is only one Ghous in the entire world at one time. The Divine Offices beyond Ghous are rarely granted. If ever they are conferred, the Ghous progresses to the level of Qayyum; then to Fard; onto Qutb-e-Wahdat and finally to Siddiq. Siddiq is assigned to this world once in centuries. Quran testifies that Hadhrat Maryam-AS was a Siddiqah. The events of the world are directly related to these Aulia commensurate to their Offices. But the thing to marvel at is Allah-SWT's Omnipotence, as sometimes, rather quite often, even these Aulia are unaware of the Offices they hold. Yet Allah-SWT makes them serve His-SWT Purpose.
Those who dish out verdicts of polytheism must also realize that K'abah is also a collection of lifeless stones, which Allah-SWT has turned into source of survival of mankind and the entire world. There is no threat to His-SWT Unity. He-SWT may link the survival of things to water if it pleases Him-SWT , further strengthening the concept of His-SWT Unity. The real authority rests with Allah-SWT and it is a rule laid down by Him-SWT that there is a cause for everything in this world. And if for intrinsic reasons, Allah-SWT makes alongwith the K'abah, those hearts upon which His-SWT Lights reflect, also a source, a medium, it does not lessen His-SWT Magnificence, nor does it threaten His-SWT Unity. Certainly the innovators have also based absurd and ridiculous myths upon these concepts and have hurt the precepts and practices of so many people. It is extremely important to refute and rectify them. But the cure for a headache is not to chop the head off. Here also the cure is to spread the real blessings received from the Holy Prophet-SW, generation after generation, through the enlightened hearts. This precious legacy of Islam must be made available to people. When a genuine product is made available in the market, the fake itself begins to disappear. Otherwise the denial of these blessings will leave the hearts void of sincerity, and innovations will be succeeded by hypocrisy, comparatively a more fatal disease. Similarly the sacred months and the animals of sacrifice are to be respected. These should neither be molested nor hindered on their way, nor stolen including those tagged to be offered in sacrifice. Providing guidance and discussing such meticulous details proves that Allah-SWT is Aware of everything between the heavens and the earth. He-SWT is Aware of each and every particle, of the very thoughts that cross the mind. And this must also be clearly understood that a continuous disobedience takes a person closer to Allah-SWT's Grip, which indeed is very firm. On the contrary, if one repents, and reforms his beliefs and conduct, then Allah-SWT is Forgiving and His-SWT Mercy knows no bounds.
It must be remembered that the duties of the Holy Prophet-SW are to convey the teachings and the blessings of Allah-SWT to people. He-SW conveyed the former with such vigour and zeal, that a span of fourteen centuries, which buried mighty emperors and their histories, could not blur the teachings of the Holy Prophet-SW in the least. He-SW conveyed the Message of Allah-SWT to the cottage of a pauper as well as to the royal palaces; and within few years a society, a Government, a country, an army, a system of ruling, an education system, a judicial system, in short, a complete State, an exemplary Muslim, and a model Islamic society and Government was established and presented before the world. As for the latter, i.e. the blessings and the states of the heart, these were put to loot in a manner only befitting the Holy Prophet-SW; that anyone who met him-SW after embracing Islam, a single glance turned that person into a Companion-RAU, whether man or woman, rich or poor, scholar or unlettered. In terms of faith or morals, Companionship is a level above which there is none except the exalted level of the Prophethood.
duty was to convey the favours of Allah-SWT . To accept, to act accordingly, and to benefit from them is the duty of mankind. And it must be clearly understood that whatever one displays or conceals is known to Allah-SWT . Often in a society the noble and the pious are in a minority. However, the majority in evil does not prove its goodness even though people tend to approve of what is being practised by the majority. People of courage and determination have always been less in number. They are those who sacrifice the temporal pleasures over Allah-SWT ’s Obedience and maintain a relationship of love and devotion with the Holy Prophet-SW. Those who indulge in sin to attain mundane pleasures and temporary satisfaction have always been greater in number. Does it mean that they should be followed just because they are in majority? While honouring the democratic values, will one not realize the Magnificence of Allah-SWT , nor appreciate the courage of the righteous who do not care about the storm of evil, who rather force the stormy waves of this catastrophe to retreat from their steps! It must be remembered that the abundance of unlawful wealth will not earn Allah-SWT's Pleasure, rather invoke His-SWT Wrath, as compared to the lawful income which might be less, but is a source of winning Allah-SWT's Pleasure. For pleasing Allah-SWT , the comforts of many worlds, and many lives, if granted over and over again, can be happily sacrificed and yet the desire to sacrifice is never satiated. So take note that these lawful and pure things bear a magnificence and grace, which is not marred by the abundance of the impure and the unlawful. Even though to the patent observer abundance may be of importance. But in the court of Allah-SWT the real honour and greatness is in piety and purity. This is why the mode of election in Islam is that when pious, popular and prudent people unanimously agree on a person as their leader, the general public should pledge their allegiance to him and not that the opinion of every plebeian would carry equal weight. This latter fair-seeming foolishness is Western in origin. So fear Allah-SWT and follow the path recommended by Him-SWT , as this is the dictate of wisdom, which will ensure the mundane as well as the eternal success.